Ranbir Alia Daughter: Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt showed their baby girl Raha to everyone for the first time on Christmas. They had a special lunch with their family, and Raha looked adorable in her Christmas outfit. People on the internet got really excited about it!
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In some videos taken by people who take pictures of famous people, Raha was shown wearing a pretty dress with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on it. She also had on red shoes. When she arrived, everyone yelled and clapped for her, but Ranbir told the picture takers to be quiet so they wouldn’t frighten her.
Pictures of Ranbir Alia Daughter Raha:
During lunch, Ranbir wore black pants, a black shirt, and a black jacket. Alia wore a black dress with pretty red flowers on it. The people taking pictures said Merry Christmas to them, and Ranbir was showing Alia how to say hello to the people taking pictures. You can see the cute video below.
Ranbir Alia Daughter Video Clip:
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Click Here: Watch these 5 top Christmas movies on OTT at home to enjoy Christmas.
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